Identification data of the managing entity of the website: NUVEOLIVO.COM Company name: ELIA OIL COMPANY S.L.

Commercial Name: NUVEOLIVO


CIF: B42903252 

Phone: 654937640


Registered Mercantile Registry Córdoba T 2776, F 81, I 1, 8, H CO-42112

1. Website

Access to the Website

These General Conditions of Access and Use regulate the access and use of the website (hereinafter, the “Website”), which the Website makes available to Internet users, and is intended to provide the user with information regarding the Website, its activities and products, who we are, the different business areas and the latest news published on the Website.

Access to the Website implies acceptance of these General Conditions of Access and Use, so we ask you to read them carefully before using it. If you do not accept these conditions, please refrain from using the Website and its content.

Likewise, the Website informs users of this Website that these General Conditions of Access and Use may be adapted or modified at any time without prior notification. Consequently, the user must read and accept these General Conditions of Access and Use each time they wish to use the Website.

Use of the Website

The user agrees to make diligent use of the Website, as well as the information related to the products contained therein, fully subject to both the applicable regulations and these General Conditions of Access and Use.

2. Disclaimer

Operation of the Website ility

The Website makes its best efforts to keep the Website in good working order, avoiding errors or, where appropriate, repairing them, and maintaining the

contents of the Website duly updated. However, the Website does not guarantee the availability and continuity of access to the Website or the absence of errors in its contents, nor does it guarantee that the latter are updated in a timely manner.

Modifications to the information on the Website

The Website reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, modifications, deletions or updates on the information contained on the Website, its configuration or presentation.

Use of the information contained in the Website

Both access to the Website and the use that may be made of any information it contains, especially that relating to the suitability and proper use of the Website’s products, are carried out under the sole responsibility of the user. The Website is not responsible for any damages that may arise, directly indirectly, from the access or use of the information contained on the Website, and especially, from that information relating to third parties other than the Website. Specifically, the Website, expressly states that all the information regarding the specifications and conditions of use of its products contained on the Website does not replace the general and / or particular contracting conditions of the Website and all that information. provided together with the products purchased in person, to which the user must refer for the acquisition and correct use of them, so the user is reminded of the need to proceed to carefully read all the documentation accompanied by the products or services purchased.

Likewise, the Website states that the free information provided to the user as a result of specific inquiries regarding the products or services offered on the Website is merely indicative, so it does not assume any responsibility derived from any damages or losses that could derive, directly or indirectly, from the use by the user of said information provided. In particular, the Website expressly states that said information does not constitute a technical opinion issued based on all the relevant data required. Consequently, if you require a binding technical opinion, you should contact the Website through the telephone numbers mentioned at the beginning of these conditions.

Additionally, the Website is not responsible for any loss or damage to the user’s software or hardware arising from access to the Website.

3. User responsibility

The user is aware, and voluntarily accepts, that the use of the Website takes place, in any case, under his sole and exclusive responsibility.

The user will be liable for damages of any kind that the Website may suffer as a result of the breach of any of the obligations to which it is subject by virtue of these Conditions.

General Access and Use or applicable legislation in relation to the use of the Website.

4. Policy regarding hypertext links (Links)

The Website does not assume any responsibility derived from the connection or the contents of hypertext links to third party websites, nor does its existence imply that the Website endorses, promotes, guarantees or recommends the linked websites.

Likewise, those third parties who intend to include in a website a hypertext link that directs to the Website must necessarily obtain the prior, express and written consent of the Website.

5. Industrial and Intellectual Property

All the intellectual property rights, content, design, databases and codes contained in the Website are owned by the Website, who is responsible for the exclusive exercise of the rights to exploit them, unless one is indicated in each case. different ownership.

The unauthorized reproduction, distribution, commercialization or transformation of these works, unless it is carried out for personal and private use, constitutes an infringement of the intellectual property rights of the Website or that of the owner.

Likewise, all trade names, brands and distinctive signs of all kinds are protected by industrial, intellectual or other property rights.

The unauthorized use of the contents of this Website, as well as the damages caused to the intellectual and industrial property rights of the Website, may give rise to the exercise of the actions that legally correspond to it, and to the responsibilities.

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