Nuve Olivo

Take Care of Your Health with Olive Oil

The Richness of Extra Virgin Olive Oil Goes Beyond a Balanced, Rich and Healthy Diet

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is famous throughout the world due to its flavor, its richness in nuances and textures, and the great contribution to the culinary world it has made. It is not surprising that it is one of the most sought-after condiments when preparing any healthy dish in all types of kitchens, from the most sophisticated ones where renowned chefs take advantage of the infinite possibilities that a good Extra Virgin Olive Oil offers them, to everyday kitchens of any home where flavor and health might like to be included.

However, properties and benefits are not limited to the strictly culinary; the richness of Extra Virgin Olive Oil goes beyond a balanced, rich and healthy diet. Here you can find other benefits that such a wonderful product offers us.


First of all, we should emphasize that an Extra Virgin Olive Oil must be ecological and pure so that it preserves all its properties intact, as it is our NUVE Olivo Extra Virgin Olive Oil

It Improves Intestinal Health

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is rich in antibacterial properties, it has been proven effective to fight Helicobacter Pylori, a bacteria that is behind many ulcers and even many cases of stomach cancer. There are verified studies affirming that the simple fact of consuming 30gr of Extra Virgin Olive Oil removes this type of bacterial infection in between 10 and 40% of the people who suffer from it in just two weeks. Tb increases the Ph by promoting the absorption of Magnesium and Calcium, since it acts by protecting the stomach and digestive system from excess acids during the digestive process.

Prevents and Relieves Arthritis Symptoms

The numbers of arthritis patients cease every day and it is a fairly common disease in middle-aged people, which attacks women more virulent than men. The origin of this common and painful disease is not very clear, it is usually manifested by joint pain, small joint swelling and loss of motor agility. Despite much research on its total cure, we know that Extra Virgin Olive Oil helps to alleviate the annoying symptoms and above all delaying their appearance. 

It Helps to Balance Blood Pressure

Blood pressure imbalances and their fluctuations in short periods of time is a problem that affects more people every day, especially middle-aged men. Although these imbalances in blood pressure are not exclusive to this type of people, unfortunately it occurs more and more in a segment of the younger population that consumes foods processed in different and unnatural ways, in addition to leading increasingly sedentary lives. Several studies have concluded that a balanced diet rich in Extra Virgin Olive Oil gives us the necessary balance to enjoy optimal and healthy blood pressure. 

Take Care of Your Hair Health

One of the most striking benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil is its ability to regenerate and preserve hair health. There are many hair treatments that are based on Extra Virgin Olive Oil as a sustainable basis, taking advantage of the nutrients it provides and the healthy fats it has on it. There are many preparations from this point, shampoos, conditioners, softeners, firming creams, revitalizers… The range is quite wide, and the possibilities are infinite, since it has been proven its effectiveness in hair care not only in consumption, but in direct applications on the hair.

Combat Cholesterol and Heart Disease

As we have stated before, Extra Virgin Olive Oil helps to balance blood pressure and have a healthy vascular health. This translates among other things that it is a very effective weapon to combat heart disease, which is one of the first fatal ailments of our era. Extra Virgin Olive Oil reduces arterial inflammation, helps the lining of blood vessels and fights unwanted blood clots. In addition to providing protection to the body against bad cholesterol, helping our body to balance it and reduce the risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases. 

Moisturizes the Skin

Prescribed by many dermatologists, it is known that Extra Virgin Olive Oil is one of the best natural treatments to combat dry skin, so common in non-hydrated bodies or in environments with a higher degree of pollution such as large cities where we live more and more. Its repairing properties are easy to verify since it acts in a direct way and its results are almost immediate. This is not an invitation to apply oil without consulting a dermatologist first, since application times and amounts vary with each individual as there are countless types of skin and degrees of repair. So if you want to try this technique with your skin, our recommendation is that you be advised at all times by dermatology professionals.

As you might have realised, Virgin Olive Oil has countless healing properties and benefits, but it must always be an organic and natural Extra Virgin Olive Oil as we move away from the purity of the oil, its properties will decrease.

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